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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Re-Volt

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Game Name : Re-Volt
System : Nintendo 64
Date Added : 2002-06-17 21:46:01
Views : 25107

Cheat :
Extra Cars & Tracks:
To get extra cars & tracks, beat a championship race (bronze, silver, gold, or platinum, it doesen't matter) finishing first in points standing. In bronze you unlock slower cars but in platinum you will unlock faster cars. With tracks you unlock harder tracks in gold and platinum, but in bronze and silver you unlock easier tracks.

Mirror Tracks:
To unlock mirror courses, beat Time Trial Challenge times on all reverse tracks in each circuit.

Reverse Tracks:
To unlock reverse courses, beat Time Trial ChalRidge Racer 64 lenge times on all (forward) tracks in each circuit.

Reverse-Mirror Tracks:
To unlock reverse-mirror courses, beat Time Trial Challenge times on all mirror tracks in each circuit. Cheat :
Motion blurring:
Press C-Left during an instant replay to add a motion blur effect.

Reversed track:
Start the game without loading or saving and select Grand Prix mode. Keep advancing through the menus until you reach the first course. Select and play that course. When the race begins, immediately turn around and drive into the concrete wall. Your car will keep bouncing off the wall, but keep driving that way that until you go through it. If done correctly everything in the course will be now be reversed, including the signs, track, and name on your car.

Bonus cars and tracks:
Go to the load and save screen from the main menu. Open any file, then choose "Quick Play" at the main menu. Immediately after starting, turn around and crash through the wall. At first you will bounce a bit, but then you will get through. A crowd will start clapping. The entire course will be backwards. Finish the race. At the end choose to retire. Go to the second option on the main menu to access three new courses and three new cars.

Golf Caddy car:
Unlock the reversed track and finish it in first place. You can also obtain the golf caddy car using a loaded or saved game by completing the first race of the second stage in reverse. The golf caddy car will then become one of you saved game cars.

Blinky ghost car:
Drive 99 laps in free run in time attack mode on any track.

Select time attack mode and choose stage 7 or 8. Select set record. Break the record to unlock Pooka.

Crazy Canuck:
Select car attack and choose stage 8 in mirror mode. Defeat the car to unlock Crazy Canuck.

Note: Two players are required to unlock this car. Select two player mode and the team mode. Choose three teams and pick stage 7 or 8. Win first and second place to unlock 00-Agent.

Red Shirt Rage:
Win first place in stage 2 revolution with a reversed tracRoad Rash 64 k.

Complete every stage in first place to receive all eight gold trophies and unlock Z-class. The Z-class is the fastest class in the game. Also, you can now choose any class type except the classes below the intended class type.

Ultra 64:
Win all eight gold trophies. Then, complete every stage in first place on Z-class to get all eight platinum trophies. Wait for the credits to end, then Ultra 64 will be available in your garage.

Car preview:
Press C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, or C-Down at the car selection screen or trophy screen to change the view and rotate the cars.

Galaga '88 mini-game:
Finish Ridge Racer Extreme Extra in first place to play one level of the classic Galaga '88 game. Cheat :
Turbo Start:
Hold down A when the race starts for a turbo start.

Get Scooters:
At the main menu press C-Down, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, Z, Z, L, C-Left.

Insanity Level:
At Thrash Mode press C-Up, C-Left, C-Left, C-Right, L, R, C-Down, Z.

Be The Cop:
Message: Z, C-Left, C-Down, C-Left, Z, L, R, C-Down.

Faster Bikes:
At the main screen put in C-Up, C-Left, C-Left, C-Right, Left button, Right button, C-Down, and Z.

All Tracks & Cars:
At he main menu press C-Up, C-Left, C-Left, C-Right, L, R, C-Down, Z.

Debug info:
To display the debug information press the following at the menu screen:
C-Right, C-Right, C-Left, C-Left, L, Z, C-Left, C-Up.

Football stadium:
In level 5 race 3, in the last city after a sharp left turn and before a sharp right turn there is a large enterance. Go in it, it is a football stadium. There is a 4X there and it makes for a great shortcut.

Do Backflips!:
This trick works best with insanity mode (C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, L, R, C-Down, Z, C-Up C-left). On the Construction yard in multiplayer mode on deathmatch, (so you can do it as much as you want without getting wrecked) stop at the bottom of a big jump, do a wheelie and start going. If you did it right, you should be abuot to fall over backwards at the end of the ramp, and your bike should go flying over backwards. If this doesn't work, try it from closer or farther away from the ramp.( Don't get discouraged if you don't land it the first time.) You can also do barrel rolls by skidding sideways at the end of a ramp or by crashing into walls at a slight angle!

Hint :
You don't have to hit something to crash, so remember that you have a brake and use it around those curves. If you take a curve too steeply, you'll flip the bike as easily as you would hitting a car.

Popping a wheelie has one distinct advantage--it lets you jump over cars. If you can't get out of the way of a car, hit A right before you smash the car, and jump the sucker.

You get points for being nasty, and it can help you get to first place, but generally speaking, if you want to get ahead, it's best to go around opponents instead of plowing through them.

Because you don't gain access to the next level in the Big Game mode until you upgrade your bike, you might want to race tracks over to gain more money for better bikes before advancing.

Extra Bikes:
Use Big Game Mode to finish all the races to get 2 new bikes capable of 300mph+

Get Girl on Bike:
At the main menu press C-Right, C-Left, Z, L, R, C-Up

Stay on the ground:
Hold L after falling off your bike to remain on the ground.

Stay on your bike:
After getting launched high in the air, you have a better chance of staying on your bike by reducing your speed while in the air to zero and releasing the brake once your bike hits the ground.

Avoid sharp turn crashes:
Press A after most sharp turns to balance out your bike.

Avoid car crashes:
Hold A just before hitting a car to perform a wheelie and use the car as a ramp jump. Note: This maneuver will not work on log trucks or big rigs.

Beat Down level:
Ride through the grass in the Beat Down level. The police will ignore your biker and stop everyone else.

Disable cop:
Pop a wheelie when you see a cop waiting on the shoulder to knock him out.

Multi-wheelies glitch:
Select a three or four player thrash game. When the starting timer reaches two, have all players hold Z + A simultaneously. If done correctly, all the bikes will pop a wheelie and freeze the game.

Make cows moo:
Go to a level where there are cows. When you see them, jump off of one to make it moo.

Steal weapons:
Get your weapon to your hand during game play, then hold C-Right until someone tries to hit you with their weapon. If you are lucky, you will steal their weapon and get to use it on opponents. You will also get a "Master Thief" rating on your rap sheet if you steal a weapon.

Safe landing:
If you get knocked high in the air and are spinning wildly, repeatedly tap B to straighten out for a better landing. Destroy all forty aliens to unlock the Galaga '88 car. When you win the Galaga '88 level and get the special car, you also get the "Galaga Pac Jam" Song.

Hint :
Hint: Reverse 360 Powerslide:
Set the drift mode option to "RR64". Begin game play and get to a sharp turn. Stop accelerating, turn the opposite direction from the turn, and accelerate again while still turning. If done correctly your car will spin around during the powerslide. After you are turned around, control the car as if in a normal powerslide and re-align it with the track. This trick allows your car to get through winding turns without braking or losing speed.

Hint: Spin skid:
Use the following trick to keep your speed in sharp turns. Do a sharp turn without accelerating. If done correctly, you will do a skid now will be going the wrong way on the track. The only car that can turn around completely is the seventh car on the car select, which is a bonus car.

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